About me

Passionate coder, persevering character

The motivation and love for development and good design have brought me to where I am today. My passion is to create captivating and functional digital products that are accessible to everyone. I have come a long way from business background to tech industry, hence equipped with solution-oriented mindset and well-rounded organizational skills.

I would love to tell you more about how I got here and what I can do. Interested to find more about me?

Featured work

I am a big fan of minimalism and fine art. I bring those ideas into my work and make them accessible to the audience. My design is exquisite and presentable. These are the recent projects that I have been lucky to create together with talented people from my network. I hope the list will get longer as I go further in this amazing journey.

Latest Articles

When I am not coding, I write and do my field research. A collection of my stories, my tips and materials that are useful for junior coders, you might find a click into yours at some points in your life and work. Interested to see more? Visit my blog page.

November 25, 2022 WEB DEVELOPMENT

Advances website design techniques

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January 10, 2023 PERSONAL GROWTH

How do I find work-life balance and enjoyment as a mother/coder?

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July 18, 2022 WELLNESS

Practice mindfulness - a key to achieve happiness in the workplace

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May 24, 2022 RESOURCES

Top 6 free online coding courses for self-studying

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Ellen is a valuable team member. She is humble, patient and always eager to learn. She is very thorough at whatever tasks in hand, which makes her work always go beyond expectation. She is also a problem-solver, no matter how challenged the tasks are, she'd swim her way through to great outcome.

Tenille Busso

Team Leader, Programmed Skilled Workforce